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Quantitative Indicators
  • Standard Deviation
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    Sharpe Ratio
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    Treynor Ratio
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    What is it: This tells you the total return expected from the bond if the bond is held till maturity. How should you use it: It tells you the approximate returns that you will make on your investment.
    YTM Annualised
    What is it: This tells you the total return expected from the bond if the bond is held till maturity. How should you use it: It tells you the approximate returns that you will make on your investment.
    No. of Stocks
    % of Cash
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
  • Beta
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    RSquared Ratio
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    Portfolio Turn Over
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    Information Ratio
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    Tracking Error
    What is it: Standard deviation tells you by how much the performance of the scheme has moved away from its average historical performance.

    How should you use it: It helps you understand the risk in the scheme. Generally, higher the standard deviation, higher the risk. A standard deviation benchmark will tell you whether you scheme is riskier or less risky than the benchmark portfolio.
    Modified Duration
    What is it: This tells you how the price of a bond changes in response to changes in interest rates.

    How should you use it: A higher modified duration means that the price of the bond is more sensitive to changes in interest rates and could be move more.
Scheme Details
Inception Date
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Expense Ratio
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Scheme Documents

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*

* Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them
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