Types of SIP Mutual Funds for Smart Investing
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SIP Mutual Funds Type - Smart Investing Methods

Start A SIP

Do you often miss the opportunity to invest in equities when market falls or book profits when they go up? Yes, we all do due to lack of time. It is not practical for MF investors like us to track market and then invest in SIP Or Lumpsum in Mutual Funds.

Don’t be disappointed!!

We have smart features for your mutual fund investments which allow you to automate your investments without worrying about timing the market. Explore features like STP, SIP Top Up, SWP, a SIP which helps to plan for your retirement and many more.

Take help of our SIP calculator for various needs to find out how much you need to invest every month to meet your goals on time and automate your investments.

Shubh kaam main deri kaise, Invest in SIP today!

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Edelweiss STeP Facility

A Smart Trigger enabled Plan (STeP) which helps you to start or stop investments in Edelweiss Mutual fund in a systematic manner and manage the market timing risk.

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Edelweiss Retirement Plan

A unique SIP with life stage based asset allocation to plan your retirement.

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Systematic Transfer Plan(STP)

A facility to periodically transfer investments from one mutual fund scheme to another.

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A disciplined approach to invest regularly in mutual funds

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Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)

A facility to periodically withdraw money as needed at regular intervals.

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Regular Payout Facility

Opt for a fixed payout at regular intervals from the eligible schemes.

Mutual Fund Calculators

SIP Mutual Funds Types - Smart Investing Methods | Edelweiss MFNext

Learn More About Types of SIP

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What Is SIP? Types of SIP & How it works

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), is the ideal way of investing in mutual funds in a regular and systematic manner. A SIP works on the basic rule of investing regularly, enabling you to build wealth over time. Under SIP, you invest a fixed sum every quarter, month, or week as per your convenience.

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What Is SIP? Types of SIP & How it works

Over the years, mutual funds have become one of the most popular forms of investment owing to its flexibility, convenience and the plethora of choices available. The numerous options also bring with it the complexity of choosing the right mutual fund schemes.

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Are SIPs and Mutual Funds the Same?

When you google ‘SIP investments’, ‘what is SIP’, what is a Systematic Investment Plan, etc., you will find a lot of textbook definitions.Suppose, you are given a task to fill 1200 litres of water in a tank in two hours. You have two options – you can either start a tap that will automatically pour 100 litres of water in the tank after every 10 minutes. Or, you can simply choose to lift the water at once and pour it. What seems easier? You would say, of course, the first one because you just have to open the tap once without any hassle. Whereas, in the second case, you will be physically burdened. Moreover, you will need help too

Frequently Asked Questions on SIP