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Edelweiss Retirement Plan

A unique SIP with life stage based asset allocation to plan your retirement.

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Edelweiss Retirement Plan

A unique SIP with life stage based asset allocation to plan your retirement.

What is Retirement Plan?

The Edelweiss Retirement Plan is a unique SIP plan which helps you create a long-term investment portfolio for your retirement years.

How does Edelweiss Retirement Plan work?

  • The money that you invest is divided into a predefined asset allocation in your chosen debt and equity scheme of Edelweiss Mutual Fund.
  • As you grow older and your comfort with risk changes, the plan gradually shifts your portfolio investments from high-risk instruments (equity) to relatively low-risk instruments (Debt).
  • This ensures that at the beginning of your retirement planning journey you can benefit from the growth potential of equities and as you get closer to retirement, you can protect your portfolio through debt investments.

Why is Edelweiss Retirement Plan good for you?

  • It invests your retirement money aligning to the required asset allocation at different ages.
  • You can invest simply through an SIP mode thus building the discipline
  • It is a simple and easy way to create a nice nest egg for your retirement period

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Learn more about Retirement Planning with Mutual Funds

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Basics Of Retirement Planning

Retirement is often idealised; it is visualized as a time when people are free to do what they want and pursue their life as they desire. However, the truth is that without the financial independence to do so, you will be leading a limited lifestyle. The private sector in India mostly does not provide pensions to employees and since the vast majority of the country works in the private or unorganised sector, it is up to the individual to carry out retirement planning.

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5 Retirement Planning Steps for a Blockbuster Retirement

The ultimate investment goal should not just be retirement. It should be about having the financial security to retire peacefully and fulfil post-retirement goals.

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Retirement Planning Tips for Couples

Marriage is the beginning of a new phase of life and as time passes, married couples evolve a shared sense of responsibility in all spheres, including personal finance. Spending your golden years together in relative comfort and security is the goal of most married couples. This requires good retirement planning that is oriented towards the needs of married couples

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